Posted: November 20th, 2019

Chelgrave Contracting Australia have a great history with apprentices based at one of our major client’s steel manufacturing plants in Hastings, Victoria.
Since 2014, Chelgrave have employed 24 apprentices, both male and female, in the Electrical, Mechanical and Fabrication trades.
The process is in motion to take on another 5 apprentices in 2020, in all 3 trades, with a start date in early February next year.
Thanks to the great management team at Hastings, Chelgrave have had a fantastic success rate to date with all eligible apprentices completing their apprenticeships on time and some securing positions with the client or with Chelgrave on site at Hastings.
2019 Apprentices in photo:
Jackson Hale, Jason Graham, Jessica Pope-Young, Brendon Smith.